4388 Recreations Drive | Canadaigua, NY 14424
M-F: 8:00 am – 5:30 pm | Sat & Sun: Closed
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The name tells the story-The "Marathoner" is a strong, sleek, long distance runner. Designed with a new state of the art aerodynamic looking tread configuration that yields fantastic hours of wear. The "Marathoner" also has Galaxy's famous "Mud Breakers" that help to clean the mud from the tread which aids in making the "marathoner" the very best traction skid steer tire on the market. Made to wear and run amongst the top performing skid steer tires in the world, the "marathoner: is a fantastic value added product. Prided to be aggressively competitive with the lower priced skid steer tires, the "Marathoner" provides extraordinary long wear at bargain prices.